SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA -- is sabdha rupam of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. It is the most powerful, incomparable, pure, spiritual knowledge blessed to living beings by Bhagavan directly. It consists of 18 chapters and 700 verses.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Mula slokas are Bhagavan's gift maha vakyam and vaacham to us to really live as per instructions and gradually surrender to HIM. By listening to them one can develop deep bakthi towards HIM and high taste as this is where paramahamsas keep their heart in. Listening to these slokas called sravanam is so pure, that it will gradually cleanses one's mind and all the dirt around the hrydhayam and will elevate one to the highest state of paramahamsa's sthithi(state).
This page has Srimad Bhagavad Gita lyrics in multiple languages for easier study.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Mula slokas are Bhagavan's gift maha vakyam and vaacham to us to really live as per instructions and gradually surrender to HIM. By listening to them one can develop deep bakthi towards HIM and high taste as this is where paramahamsas keep their heart in. Listening to these slokas called sravanam is so pure, that it will gradually cleanses one's mind and all the dirt around the hrydhayam and will elevate one to the highest state of paramahamsa's sthithi(state).
This page has Srimad Bhagavad Gita lyrics in multiple languages for easier study.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita-Dhyana Sloka | Multiple Lanuagues | |||||
Srimad Bhagavad Gita-Mahatmym | Multiple Languages | |||||
Sri Guruvaatapureesa Pancharatnam | Multiple Languages | |||||
Srimad Bhagavad Gita-Arati Song | Multiple Languages |