SRIMAN NARAYANEEYAM -- is the murthi rupam -incarnation of Bhagavan Sri Guruvayurappan who is verily Lord Maha Vishnu. It is considered as the highest devotional poem and sanskrit literature. It is the condensed form of Srimad Bhagavatam, Veda and Vedanta. It consists of 1036 verses, 100 chapters.
Narayaneeyam is a highly devotional Sanskrit literature composed by the author, Sri Melpattur Narayana Bhattathiri, who lived in Kerala. Srimad Bhagavatam which is the crown jewel of 18 puraranas is a majesty on it own. It is topical in the sense that its lofty theme is dedicated devotion to Bhagavan Sri Krishna which has been prescribed as the only panacea for overcoming distress of the worldly life in this kaliyuga. Sriman Narayaneeyam is condensation of 18000 verses of Srimad Bhagavatam into 1036 verses and it also includes the core of Veda and Vedanta. The characteristics of Srimad Bhagavatam are its explicit and implicity address and devotion to Lord Sri Krishna. Sriman Narayaneeyam following the same core principles is a highly devotional sanskrit literature which addresses Bhagavan Sri Krishna directly.
Narayaneeyam is a highly devotional Sanskrit literature composed by the author, Sri Melpattur Narayana Bhattathiri, who lived in Kerala. Srimad Bhagavatam which is the crown jewel of 18 puraranas is a majesty on it own. It is topical in the sense that its lofty theme is dedicated devotion to Bhagavan Sri Krishna which has been prescribed as the only panacea for overcoming distress of the worldly life in this kaliyuga. Sriman Narayaneeyam is condensation of 18000 verses of Srimad Bhagavatam into 1036 verses and it also includes the core of Veda and Vedanta. The characteristics of Srimad Bhagavatam are its explicit and implicity address and devotion to Lord Sri Krishna. Sriman Narayaneeyam following the same core principles is a highly devotional sanskrit literature which addresses Bhagavan Sri Krishna directly.
At the time, Sri Melapattur Narayana Bhattathri composed Sriman Narayaneeyam, he was 27 years old, he was inflicted with rheumatism. When he completed composing all 100 dashakams he attained great devotion and the vision of the Lord at the temple of Guruvayur. Narayan Bhattathiri was born in 1560 AD in kerela. His education was over a wide spectrum of disciplines - vedas, vedantas-upanisads, satras, logic, sanskrit grammer and so on. He mastered the scriptures at the age of 16. He was a great prodigy. But, he was not very devoted at that age. By Bhagavan's grace, for the good fortune of the people and literature he was pulled up at the right time by his preceptor Achutha Pisharoty and became very devoted to his Guru.
He became an ardent scholar. About ten years later when his Guru was affected by rheumatism, Naraynan Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord to relieve his Guru of the disease and transfer it to him. By Bhagavan's grace. his Guru regained health and instead the disease came to Narayan Bhattathiri in the form of rheumatism. Keen on getting rid of this ailment, he sent a note to his friend Ezhutachan, a poet and devotee of Sri Guruvayurappan. He was advised to start with the 'fish'!. The scholar had a flash of the underlying import of this advice.
Inflicted with this disease, Sri Narayana Battathri reached the temple with the help of friends and relatives. He surrendered to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan fully and started composing Sriman Narayaneeyam. Composing one dashakam a day , including all the avatars of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and also as condensation of Srimad Bhagavatam, Veda and Vedanta. On 100th day, he had a vision of the Lord Sri Guruvayurappan. Composing the 100 dashakam, he was freed from the disease completely.
He became an ardent scholar. About ten years later when his Guru was affected by rheumatism, Naraynan Bhattathiri prayed to the Lord to relieve his Guru of the disease and transfer it to him. By Bhagavan's grace. his Guru regained health and instead the disease came to Narayan Bhattathiri in the form of rheumatism. Keen on getting rid of this ailment, he sent a note to his friend Ezhutachan, a poet and devotee of Sri Guruvayurappan. He was advised to start with the 'fish'!. The scholar had a flash of the underlying import of this advice.
Inflicted with this disease, Sri Narayana Battathri reached the temple with the help of friends and relatives. He surrendered to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan fully and started composing Sriman Narayaneeyam. Composing one dashakam a day , including all the avatars of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and also as condensation of Srimad Bhagavatam, Veda and Vedanta. On 100th day, he had a vision of the Lord Sri Guruvayurappan. Composing the 100 dashakam, he was freed from the disease completely.

Narayaneeyam Bhattathiri composed Narayaneeyam at the age of 27 years. With the Lord's grace showering on him, he lived as a respected philosopher, poet and saint to the age of 120 years.
Narayaneeyam derives it is title from two aspects. The first is that it was composed toward Lord Sri Narayana as it's prime and exclusive subject matter. Secondly, it was composed by Sri Narayana Bhattathri. The unique features of Sriman Narayaneeyam are first, it was written by the composer when he was in great pain and agony, but, in deep devotion. Secondly, it was written as the direction with the Lord. It seems Lord also nodded HIS head as gentle gesture accepting Sri Narayana Battathri's dashakams. Thirdly, this highly devotional poem is a cure of diseases and bestows upon devotees, long healthy life and prosperity!!
Narayaneeyam derives it is title from two aspects. The first is that it was composed toward Lord Sri Narayana as it's prime and exclusive subject matter. Secondly, it was composed by Sri Narayana Bhattathri. The unique features of Sriman Narayaneeyam are first, it was written by the composer when he was in great pain and agony, but, in deep devotion. Secondly, it was written as the direction with the Lord. It seems Lord also nodded HIS head as gentle gesture accepting Sri Narayana Battathri's dashakams. Thirdly, this highly devotional poem is a cure of diseases and bestows upon devotees, long healthy life and prosperity!!