Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Paarayanam - Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam slokas - all 24000 slokas are recited for 9 continuous days. This is called Sampoorna Navaham parayanam. It is extremely auspicious to do navaaham paarayanam. Reciting the entire Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam is equivalent to reciting all the 4 vedas in 9 days. It bestow upon the devotee much punyam -phalan (benefit) as given below. There are four pursharthas or aspects of life as per prescribed in holy scriptures in hindusim for a person in the society peacefully. The four aspects of life are dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Dharma is living rightously as per rules divised in the holy scriptures for a person to live in society. Artha is desire to have material enjoyments in life such as prosperity and wealth. Kama is enjoying the pleasures through senses or indriyas and mind. The devotees doing navaham as per the table given below upto Yuddha kandam in Method 1, will live righteously with prosperity and wealth surrounding him, with enjoying worldly pleasures in life. If we do complete recitation or Sampoorna parayanam upto Uttara Kandam as given in Method 2, then, the devotee will be blessed with all four purusharthas. That is living prospeous long healthy life , enjoying all the worldly pleasures and be blessed with the fourth final and ultimate purushartha- Moksha or mukthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam.
Please find below Navaaham paarayanam details and which sargams(chapters) should be recited on each day as given below.
Note: Audio recording of paarayanam introduction is yet to be published. Please check in a few days. Navaha Parayana Vidhana (procedure to Navaha Parayanam) document will be posted in this page soon. Please email to saranaagathi.margam@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Navaaham Paarayanam Introduction | Tamil | English |
Navaaham Parayanam vidhi (rules):
Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Navaham parayanam vidhi or procedure:
Please note that Navaham Parayanam Vidhi or Procedure with the following steps will be posted in this page soon.
Please follow the steps given below:
—please keep Sri Rama or Sri Vishnu picture or Murthy or shaligram in front you when you chant.
—please have Hanuman picture facing towards Sri Rama, when you chant.
--please keep poorna kumbam (mango leaves, turmeric powder smeared coconut with kumkum) on a kalasam or sombhu filled with and add little bit of saffron (kumkuma poo), raw champor (pachai karpooram), cardamom (elaichi) to the water. Apply sandalwood paste and kumkum. Keep this poorna kumbam kalasam near Sri Rama picture or Murthy where you do Navaham parayanam.
—please keep Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book near Sri Rama picture or Murthy or shaligramam.
--Please offer boiled milk mixed with sugar to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman.
-- Sankalpam - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Lord Sri Rama - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam grantham - - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
— Chant SriRama Ashtothra namavali
—chant Sri Sita Ashtothra namavali
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
"Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath".
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaaya Namaha”.
—chant Dhyana slokam
—chant Narayana kavacham from Srimad BhAgavatham- Skandam 6 Adyaayam 8.
—Navaham Parayanam for 9 days.
— on Day 6 and 7 (Sundara Kandam) at the end of the day parayanam- Chant Sri Hanuman Ashtothra namavali and Hanuman chalisa sthothram.
—chant Sri Rama Pattabhishekam sargam
—on each of Navaham parayanam for 9 days, chant dhyana sloka at the beginning of each day parayanam and samapana slokas at the end of the day parayanam.
On 9th day, after completing Navaham parayanam please chant the following sthothrams:
--At the end of the parayana please recite this sloka:
Yatra yatra Raghunatha KirtanamTatra
tatra kritha mastakanjalim
Bhaspavaan paripurna lochanam
Marutim namata rakshasanthakam
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
"Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath".
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaya Nama.”.
— Chant SriRama Ashtothra namavali
—chant Sri Sita Ashtothra namavali
--chant Hanuman ashtothra namavali
—Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Sthothram
—Sri Rama Pancharatna sthothram
—Sri Rama Hrudhayam Sthothram
—Sri Rama Raksha Sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya or Hanuman Kavacham
—Sri Hanumat Kavacham - By Vibheeshana ( Vibheeshana krutha Hanumat Kavacham).
—Sri Hanumat Bhujanga sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya sthothram
—Sri Hanumat Ashtakam.
—Sri Ramayanam Arati song.
—Sri Guruvathapurisa pancharatna sthothram.
Sri Rama Utsavam:
Dear Devotees,
Please note that Sri Rama Utsavam is celebrated after completing Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Navaham Parayanam. Please find below the procedure to celebrate Sri Rama Utsavam.
--Please take the kalasam water, remove the mango leaves and coconut and do abhishekam to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Hanuman murthys. Please abhishekam with milk, yogurt, turmeric water, panchamrutham, sandalwood water and rose water Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Hanuman murthys as much as we can do.
--Please wipe off the water and do alankaram to the murthys
--Please offer mala or flowers to murthys
--offer Dhoopam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Dheepam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Naivedhyam as Mahanaivedhyam (boiled rice with a scoop of boiled toor dhaal and a spoon of ghee poured on it) and other naivedhyam. Please offer Pomegranate as would bring in immense benefits. Please offer boiled milk mixed with sugar to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman. Please offer beetal leaves, beetal nuts, banana, coconut (broken into two halves).
--offer Karpoora Arathi to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman .
--off prostrate (do namaskaram) to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman
—please chant “kaayenavacha manasedriyauva.. sakalam Narayanayethi samapayaami” at the end.
— the place you keep Swamy picture , Ramayanam book and where you sit, should be thoroughly cleaned or wiped with water like mopping.
—when you start the parayanam, no one should be standing in front of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—At the end of each sargam, chant the following slokas -" aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” as given below:
Om AApadaam-pahartaaram Daataarum
sarva sampadaam
Lokaabhiraamum Shriraamum
Bhuyo Bhuyo Namaamyaham
Dharmatma satya sandhasya Ramo daasarathir yadi.
Paurushe cha apratidwandwam sarainam jahi Raavaneem.
—Please recite or chant only slokas and not meaning. Please note that and very important to know that once we start a sargam, we should not stop or take a break in between when you chant the sargam. It has to be chanted fully. If you take a break which chanting a sargam, it has to be chanted from the beginning of the sargam again.
—on beginning of each day parayanam of Navaham-dhyana sloka should be recited.
—at the end of each day parayanam , Samapana sloka should be recited.
—You will have to start the parayanam at 6:00am or by 6:30am
—please recite in medium speed that you can chant slokas clearly and not missing words by rushing through.
—Maha Annam (cooked rice, with daal or paruppu and ghee on it) can be offered at the end of each day if you can’t offer for specific sargams for which naivaidhyam is offered. Please offer a glass or tumbler of water, when you offer naivedhyam.
—after reciting each sargam and the chanting the following slokas -“ aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” you can offer a flower or water or fruit or dry fruits like cashews or badam or dry raisins or kismiss at the end of each sargam. Offer doopam and oil deepam to Sri Rama. If not possible to offer any of these, you can continue to recite next sargam and keep going. Bhagavan is very kind to us.
—on each day, before the parayanam starts and after the end of parayanam, boiled milk with sugar is offered as naivaidhyam.
—on 9th day after completing Navaham, you can invite and you can offer feast or full meals or Bhojan to Brahmins, reciters and devotees present for the parayanam..
— you can take small breaks and small meals or drinks in between during the day. No restrictions in that.
—regarding sthothrams to chant, please all of them or as much as you can. Dhyana sloka, Samapana sloka, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Sri Rama Ashtothrathra namavali and Sri Sita Ashtothrathra namavali need to be chanted. Puja to Lord Sri Rama and Ramayanam grantham or book are needed.
Navaaham Parayanam - 9 days Schedule :
Method 1 : To recite all the slokas or verses of Bala Kandam upto Yuddha Kandam as per the schedule given in the table below.
The following method of doing Navaham parayanam upto Yuddha Kandam will bestow upon the devotee the first three purusharthas (aspects of life as per prescribed in holy scriptures in hindusim for a person in the society peacefully). The first three aspects of life are dharma, artha and kama. Dharma being living rightously as per rules divised in the holy scriptures for a person to live in society. Artha is desire to have material enjoyments in life such prosperity and wealth. Kama is enjoying the pleasures through 5 senses of karmendriyas. The devotees doing navaham as per the table given below upto Yuddha kandam will live righteously with prosperity and wealth surrounding him, with enjoying worldly pleasures in life.
Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Navaham parayanam vidhi or procedure:
Please note that Navaham Parayanam Vidhi or Procedure with the following steps will be posted in this page soon.
Please follow the steps given below:
—please keep Sri Rama or Sri Vishnu picture or Murthy or shaligram in front you when you chant.
—please have Hanuman picture facing towards Sri Rama, when you chant.
--please keep poorna kumbam (mango leaves, turmeric powder smeared coconut with kumkum) on a kalasam or sombhu filled with and add little bit of saffron (kumkuma poo), raw champor (pachai karpooram), cardamom (elaichi) to the water. Apply sandalwood paste and kumkum. Keep this poorna kumbam kalasam near Sri Rama picture or Murthy where you do Navaham parayanam.
—please keep Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book near Sri Rama picture or Murthy or shaligramam.
--Please offer boiled milk mixed with sugar to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman.
-- Sankalpam - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Lord Sri Rama - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam grantham - - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
— Chant SriRama Ashtothra namavali
—chant Sri Sita Ashtothra namavali
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
"Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath".
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaaya Namaha”.
—chant Dhyana slokam
—chant Narayana kavacham from Srimad BhAgavatham- Skandam 6 Adyaayam 8.
—Navaham Parayanam for 9 days.
— on Day 6 and 7 (Sundara Kandam) at the end of the day parayanam- Chant Sri Hanuman Ashtothra namavali and Hanuman chalisa sthothram.
—chant Sri Rama Pattabhishekam sargam
—on each of Navaham parayanam for 9 days, chant dhyana sloka at the beginning of each day parayanam and samapana slokas at the end of the day parayanam.
On 9th day, after completing Navaham parayanam please chant the following sthothrams:
--At the end of the parayana please recite this sloka:
Yatra yatra Raghunatha KirtanamTatra
tatra kritha mastakanjalim
Bhaspavaan paripurna lochanam
Marutim namata rakshasanthakam
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
"Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath".
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaya Nama.”.
— Chant SriRama Ashtothra namavali
—chant Sri Sita Ashtothra namavali
--chant Hanuman ashtothra namavali
—Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Sthothram
—Sri Rama Pancharatna sthothram
—Sri Rama Hrudhayam Sthothram
—Sri Rama Raksha Sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya or Hanuman Kavacham
—Sri Hanumat Kavacham - By Vibheeshana ( Vibheeshana krutha Hanumat Kavacham).
—Sri Hanumat Bhujanga sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya sthothram
—Sri Hanumat Ashtakam.
—Sri Ramayanam Arati song.
—Sri Guruvathapurisa pancharatna sthothram.
Sri Rama Utsavam:
Dear Devotees,
Please note that Sri Rama Utsavam is celebrated after completing Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Navaham Parayanam. Please find below the procedure to celebrate Sri Rama Utsavam.
--Please take the kalasam water, remove the mango leaves and coconut and do abhishekam to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Hanuman murthys. Please abhishekam with milk, yogurt, turmeric water, panchamrutham, sandalwood water and rose water Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Hanuman murthys as much as we can do.
--Please wipe off the water and do alankaram to the murthys
--Please offer mala or flowers to murthys
--offer Dhoopam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Dheepam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Naivedhyam as Mahanaivedhyam (boiled rice with a scoop of boiled toor dhaal and a spoon of ghee poured on it) and other naivedhyam. Please offer Pomegranate as would bring in immense benefits. Please offer boiled milk mixed with sugar to Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita, Sri Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman. Please offer beetal leaves, beetal nuts, banana, coconut (broken into two halves).
--offer Karpoora Arathi to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman .
--off prostrate (do namaskaram) to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman
—please chant “kaayenavacha manasedriyauva.. sakalam Narayanayethi samapayaami” at the end.
— the place you keep Swamy picture , Ramayanam book and where you sit, should be thoroughly cleaned or wiped with water like mopping.
—when you start the parayanam, no one should be standing in front of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—At the end of each sargam, chant the following slokas -" aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” as given below:
Om AApadaam-pahartaaram Daataarum
sarva sampadaam
Lokaabhiraamum Shriraamum
Bhuyo Bhuyo Namaamyaham
Dharmatma satya sandhasya Ramo daasarathir yadi.
Paurushe cha apratidwandwam sarainam jahi Raavaneem.
—Please recite or chant only slokas and not meaning. Please note that and very important to know that once we start a sargam, we should not stop or take a break in between when you chant the sargam. It has to be chanted fully. If you take a break which chanting a sargam, it has to be chanted from the beginning of the sargam again.
—on beginning of each day parayanam of Navaham-dhyana sloka should be recited.
—at the end of each day parayanam , Samapana sloka should be recited.
—You will have to start the parayanam at 6:00am or by 6:30am
—please recite in medium speed that you can chant slokas clearly and not missing words by rushing through.
—Maha Annam (cooked rice, with daal or paruppu and ghee on it) can be offered at the end of each day if you can’t offer for specific sargams for which naivaidhyam is offered. Please offer a glass or tumbler of water, when you offer naivedhyam.
—after reciting each sargam and the chanting the following slokas -“ aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” you can offer a flower or water or fruit or dry fruits like cashews or badam or dry raisins or kismiss at the end of each sargam. Offer doopam and oil deepam to Sri Rama. If not possible to offer any of these, you can continue to recite next sargam and keep going. Bhagavan is very kind to us.
—on each day, before the parayanam starts and after the end of parayanam, boiled milk with sugar is offered as naivaidhyam.
—on 9th day after completing Navaham, you can invite and you can offer feast or full meals or Bhojan to Brahmins, reciters and devotees present for the parayanam..
— you can take small breaks and small meals or drinks in between during the day. No restrictions in that.
—regarding sthothrams to chant, please all of them or as much as you can. Dhyana sloka, Samapana sloka, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Sri Rama Ashtothrathra namavali and Sri Sita Ashtothrathra namavali need to be chanted. Puja to Lord Sri Rama and Ramayanam grantham or book are needed.
Navaaham Parayanam - 9 days Schedule :
Method 1 : To recite all the slokas or verses of Bala Kandam upto Yuddha Kandam as per the schedule given in the table below.
The following method of doing Navaham parayanam upto Yuddha Kandam will bestow upon the devotee the first three purusharthas (aspects of life as per prescribed in holy scriptures in hindusim for a person in the society peacefully). The first three aspects of life are dharma, artha and kama. Dharma being living rightously as per rules divised in the holy scriptures for a person to live in society. Artha is desire to have material enjoyments in life such prosperity and wealth. Kama is enjoying the pleasures through 5 senses of karmendriyas. The devotees doing navaham as per the table given below upto Yuddha kandam will live righteously with prosperity and wealth surrounding him, with enjoying worldly pleasures in life.
Day 1 | Bala Kandam | From : 1 | To : 77 |
Day 2 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 1 | To : 64 |
Day 3 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 65 | To : 119 |
Day 4 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 1 | To : 68 |
Day 5 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 69 | To : 75 |
Day 5 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 1 | To : 49 |
Day 6 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 50 | To : 67 |
Day 6 | Sundara Kandam | From : 1 | To : 56 |
Day 7 | Sundara Kandam | From : 57 | To : 68 |
Day 7 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 1 | To : 50 |
Day 8 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 51 | To : 111 |
Day 9 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 112 | To : 131 |
Method 2: To recite all the slokas or verses of Bala Kandam upto Uttara Kandam as per the schedule given in the table below.
If we do complete recitation or Sampoorna parayanam upto Uttara Kandam as given in the table below, then, the devotee will be blessed with all four purusharthas- dharma, artha, kama and moksha. That is the devotee reciting the complete parayanam will be bless with living prospeous long healthy life , enjoying all the worldly pleasures and be blessed with the fourth final and ultimate purushartha- Moksha or mukthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam.
If we do complete recitation or Sampoorna parayanam upto Uttara Kandam as given in the table below, then, the devotee will be blessed with all four purusharthas- dharma, artha, kama and moksha. That is the devotee reciting the complete parayanam will be bless with living prospeous long healthy life , enjoying all the worldly pleasures and be blessed with the fourth final and ultimate purushartha- Moksha or mukthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam.
Day 1 | Baala Kandam-Sargam 1 | Ayodhyaa Kadam-Sargam 6 | 83 Sargams |
Day 2 | Ayodhyaa Kandam-Sargam 7 | Ayodhyaa Kandam-Sargam 80 | 73 Sargams |
Day 3 | Ayodhyaa Kandam-Sargam 81 | Aaranya Kandam-Sargam 20 | 59 Sargams |
Day 4 | Aaranya Kandam-Sargam 21 | Kiskandhaa Kandam-Sargam 46 | 101 Sargams |
Day 5 | Kiskandhaa Kandam-Sargam 47 | Sundara Kandam-Sargam 47 | 68 Sargams |
Day 6 | Sundara Kandam-Sargam 48 | Yuddha Kandam-Sargam 50 | 71 Sargams |
Day 7 | Yuddha Kandam-Sargam 51 | Yuddha Kandam-Sargam 99 | 49 Sargams |
Day 8 | Yuddha Kandam-Sargam 100 | Uttara Kandam-Sargam 36 | 68 Sargams |
Day 9 | Uttara Kandam-Sargam 37 | Uttara Kandam-Sargam 111 | 74 Sargams |
Day 9 | Yuddha Kandam-Sargam 1 | - | 1 |
Method 3 : Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Parayanam in 32 days: This is another kind of sampoorna paarayanam of entire Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam for continuous 32 days like the way Sri Lava and Sri Kucha sang in front of Lord Sri Rama in the ashwamedha yagna shala . The paarayna details are given below.
Day 1 | Bala Kandam | From : 1 | To : 21 |
Day 2 | Bala Kandam | From : 22 | To : 44 |
Day 3 | Bala Kandam | From : 45 | To : 65 |
Day 4 | Bala Kandam | From : 66 | To : 77 |
Day 4 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 1 | To : 9 |
Day 5 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 10 | To : 30 |
Day 6 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 31 | To : 51 |
Day 7 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 52 | To : 71 |
Day 8 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 72 | To : 97 |
Day 9 | Ayodhya Kandam | From : 98 | To : 119 |
Day 10 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 1 | To : 21 |
Day 11 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 22 | To : 42 |
Day 12 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 43 | To : 63 |
Day 13 | Aaranya Kandam | From : 64 | To : 75 |
Day 13 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 1 | To : 8 |
Day 14 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 9 | To : 29 |
Day 15 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 30 | To : 50 |
Day 16 | Kishkindha Kandam | From : 51 | To : 67 |
Day 16 | Sundara Kandam | From : 1 | To : 3 |
Day 17 | Sundara Kandam | From : 4 | To : 23 |
Day 18 | Sundara Kandam | From : 24 | To : 47 |
Day 19 | Sundara Kandam | From : 48 | To : 68 |
Day 20 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 1 | To : 24 |
Day 21 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 25 | To : 50 |
Day 22 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 51 | To : 70 |
Day 23 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 71 | To : 90 |
Day 24 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 91 | To : 111 |
Day 25 | Yuddha Kandam | From : 112 | To : 131 |
Day 26 | Uttara Kandam | From : 1 | To : 20 |
Day 27 | Uttara Kandam | From : 21 | To : 40 |
Day 28 | Uttara Kandam | From : 41 | To : 60 |
Day 29 | Uttara Kandam | From : 61 | To : 80 |
Day 30 | Uttara Kandam | From : 81 | To : 98 |
Day 31 | Uttara Kandam | From : 99 | To : 105 |
Day 32 | Uttara Kandam | From : 106 | To : 111 |
Sampoorna Sundara Kandam Parayanam:
Sundara Kandam is one of the auspicious Kandams in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam.
--Lord Sri Rama blessings will be on the Devotee, if we chant Sundara Kandam.
--There are 68 Sargams or chapters and 2809 Slokas are in Sundara kandam.
--Please note that Chanting each sargam or Chapter of Sundara Kandam is equivalent to chanting Gayatri mantra japam 1000 times.
Sundara Kandam is one of the auspicious Kandams in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam.
--Lord Sri Rama blessings will be on the Devotee, if we chant Sundara Kandam.
--There are 68 Sargams or chapters and 2809 Slokas are in Sundara kandam.
--Please note that Chanting each sargam or Chapter of Sundara Kandam is equivalent to chanting Gayatri mantra japam 1000 times.
Sampoorna Sundara Kandam Parayanam Vidhi:
Please follow the steps given below:
-- On previous day, the place you keep Swamy picture , Ramayanam book and where you sit, should be thoroughly cleaned or wiped with water like mopping.
—please keep Sri Rama or Sri Vishnu picture or Murthy or shaligram in front you when you chant.
—please have Hanuman picture facing towards Sri Rama, when you chant.
--please offer Flowers , lotus flower if available and tulasi to Lord Sri Rama.
--Please offer a flower garland (mala) to Lord Sri Rama pattabhishekam picture and Sri Hanuman picture. It is auspicious to offer beetal leaves mala to Sri Hanuman.
—please keep Poorna kumbam (mango leaves, turmeric smeared coconut with kumkum) on a kalasam or sombhu filled with raw rice, toor daal or tuvaram paruppu), Rs.1 coin, 5 types leaves, one lemon, turmeric or manjal Kilanghu 2 pieces, Beetal leaves with beetal nuts - vettalai paaku), mango leaves and coconut smeared with turmeric power on it). Keep this poorna kumbam kalasam near Sri Rama picture or Murthy where you do Navaham parayanam.
—please keep Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book near Sri Rama picture or Murthy or shaligramam in front of you.
--Please start the parayanam as given below at 6:30 am
-- Sankalpam - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Lord Sri Rama - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—puja to Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam grantham - - as given in the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
--offer Dhoopam
·--offer Dhoopam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Dheepam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Naivedhyam as raisins or bananas and other fruits. Please offer boiled milk mixed with sugar to Lord Sri Rama and Mother Sita and to Sri Rama Pattabhishekam.
--please offer karpoora arathi to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
— Chant SriRama Ashtothra namavali
—chant Sri Sita Ashtothra namavali
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath.
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaya Nama.”.
—chant Dhyana slokam
—chant Narayana kavacham from Srimad BhAgavatham- Skandam 6 Adyaayam 8.
--Chant Samskhepa Ramayanam (Bala Kandam - Sargam 1).
--Chant Sri Rama Jananam (Bala Kandam - Sargam 18).
--Chant Sita Vivaham (Bala Kandam - Sargam 73).
—Chant Sampoorna Sundara Kandam (68 Sargams) parayanam.
—chant Sri Rama Pattabhishekam sargam (Yuddha Kandam - Sargam 131).
-- Chant Sampana Slokas.
After completing Sundara Kandam parayanam please chant the following sthothrams:
--At the end of the parayana please recite this sloka:
Yatra yatra Raghunatha KirtanamTatra
tatra kritha mastakanjalim
Bhaspavaan paripurna lochanam
Marutim namata rakshasanthakam
-- Please chant Chant Rama Gayathri during the beginning, Avahana and end of the worship. This is given by
"Dasarathaya Vidhmahe, Sita vallabhata Dheemahi, Thanno Rama Prachodayath".
--Please chant Shadakshari mantra “Ram Ramaaya Namaha”.
—Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Sthothram
—Sri Rama Pancharatna sthothram
—Sri Rama Raksha Sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya or Hanuman Kavacham
—Sri Hanumat Kavacham - By Vibheeshana ( Vibheeshana krutha Hanumat Kavacham).
—Sri Hanumat Bhujanga sthothram
—Sri Anjaneya sthothram
—Sri Hanumat Ashtakam.
—Sri Ramayanam Arati song.
—Sri Guruvathapurisa pancharatna sthothram.
Aradhana and upachara:
--offer Dhoopam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Dheepam to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman.
--offer Naivedhyam as Mahanaivedhyam (boiled rice with a scoop of boiled toor dhaal and a spoon of ghee poured on it) and other naivedhyam. Please offer beetal leaves, beetal nuts, banana, coconut (broken into two halves). Please offer Pomegranate as it would bring in immense benefits.
--offer Karpoora Arathi to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman .
--off prostrate (do namaskaram) to Lord Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Sadhrugna and Sri Hanuman
—please chant “kaayenavacha manasedriyauva.. sakalam Narayanayethi samapayaami” at the end.
—when you start the parayanam, no one should be standing in front of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam book.
—At the end of each sargam, chant the following slokas -“ aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” as given below:
Om AApadaam-pahartaaram Daataarum
sarva sampadaam
Lokaabhiraamum Shriraamum
Bhuyo Bhuyo Namaamyaham
Dharmatma satya sandhasya Ramo daasarathir yadi.
Paurushe cha apratidwandwam sarainam jahi Raavaneem.
—Please recite or chant only slokas and not meaning. Please note that and very important to know that once we start a sargam, we should not stop or take a break in between when you chant the sargam. It has to be chanted fully. If you take a break which chanting a sargam, it has to be chanted from the beginning of the sargam again.
—Please start the parayanam at 6:30am
—please recite in medium speed that you can chant slokas clearly and not missing words by rushing through.
—Maha Annam (cooked rice, with daal or paruppu and ghee on it) can be offered at the end of each day if you can’t offer for specific sargams for which naivaidhyam is offered. Please offer a glass or tumbler of water, when you offer naivedhyam.
—after reciting each sargam and the chanting the following slokas -“ aapadhapama hartharam.. and
Dharmasya sathya sanshyasya...” you can offer a flower or water or fruit or dry fruits like cashews or badam or dry raisins or kismiss at the end of each sargam. Offer doopam and oil deepam to Sri Rama. If not possible to offer any of these, you can continue to recite next sargam and keep going. Bhagavan is very kind to us.
— before the parayanam starts and after the end of parayanam, boiled milk with sugar is offered as naivaidhyam.
—after the parayanam, you can offer feast or full meals or Bhojan to Brahmins, reciters and devotees present for the parayanam.
— you can take small breaks and small meals or drinks in between during the day. No restrictions in that.
—regarding sthothrams to chant, please all of them or as much as you can. Dhyana sloka, Samapana sloka, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Sri Rama Ashtothrathra namavali and Sri Sita Ashtothrathra namavali need to be chanted. Puja to Lord Sri Rama and Ramayanam grantham or book are needed.
-if in a day, if it ends with Sargam 28 in Sundara Kandam, please chant first 2 slokas of Sargam 29 as it is a procedure to do the parayanam this way.
-- It is auspicious to start Sundara kandam parayanam in the morning. Devotees doing parayanam will have deha, mano suddham (purity in mind and body) in the morning hours and in the sashtras it is said that mind will be in satthvic mode (calm, pure and poise) in the morning hours. It is not possible to start in morning, you can parayanam in the afternoon or evening.
--If monthly period comes in between the parayanam days, please avoid the 5 days (day 1 to 5 of your period days), and continue your parayanam from 6th day. If on Day 2 of parayanam ,if period comes, please avoid next 5 days, continue from Day 2 parayanam from sixth day.
Sampoorna Sundara Kandam Parayanam Schedule :
(To recite all sargams only once)
(To recite all sargams only once)
01 | Parayanam done in One day Or One day Parayanam. |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 68 |
02 | Parayanam done in Two days Or Two days Parayanam. |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 36 |
Day 2 | Sargam 37 to Sargam 68 | ||
03 | Parayanam done in Three days Or Three days Parayanam. |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 27 |
Day 2 | Sargam 28 to Sargam 40 | ||
Day 3 | Sargam 41 to Sargam 68 | ||
04 | Parayanam done in Five days Or Five days Parayanam. |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 15 |
Day 2 | Sargam 16 to Sargam 27 | ||
Day 3 | Sargam 28 to Sargam 38 | ||
Day 4 | Sargam 39 to Sargam 54 | ||
Day 5 | Sargam 55 to Sargam 68 | ||
05 | Parayanam done in Seven days Or Seven days Parayanam. Sampoorna Sapthaham - Sundara Kandam Parayanam |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 5 |
Day 2 | Sargam 6 to Sargam 16 | ||
Day 3 | Sargam 17 to Sargam 27 | ||
Day 4 | Sargam 28 to Sargam 35 | ||
Day 5 | Sargam 36 to Sargam 42 | ||
Day 6 | Sargam 43 to Sargam 54 | ||
Day 7 | Sargam 55 to Sargam 68 | ||
06 | Parayanam done in Nine days Or Nine days Parayanam. Sampoorna Navaham -Sundara Kanda Parayanam |
Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 5 |
Day 2 | Sargam 6 to Sargam 15 | ||
Day 3 | Sargam 16 to Sargam 20 | ||
Day 4 | Sargam 21 to Sargam 26 and and Sargam 27 Sloka 1 (Please chant first sloka of Sargam 27) | ||
Day 5 | Sargam 27 to Sargam 33 | ||
Day 6 | Sargam 34 to Sargam 40 | ||
Day 7 | Sargam 41 to Sargam 52 | ||
Day 8 | Sargam 53 to Sargam 60 | ||
Day 9 | Sargam 61 to Sargam 68 | ||
07 | Parayanam done in 28 days Or 28 days Parayanam. |
Day 1 to Day 22 | Each day chant two sargams for 22 days. Total of 44 Sargams to complete in 22 days. |
Day 23 | Sargam 45 to Sargam 49 | ||
Day 24 | Sargam 50 to Sargam 52 | ||
Day 25 | Sargam 53 to Sargam 58 | ||
Day 26 | Sargam 59 to Sargam 61 | ||
Day 27 | Sargam 62 to Sargam 65 | ||
Day 28 | Sargam 66 to Sargam 68 |
Sampoorna Sundara Kandam Parayanam :
(To recite all sargams as complete parayanam for many Times ) - Schedule :
(This is done as yogam or tapas which will bless the devotee many material and spiritual merits).
(To recite all sargams as complete parayanam for many Times ) - Schedule :
(This is done as yogam or tapas which will bless the devotee many material and spiritual merits).
01 | 68 Times | Each day parayanam of all 68 sargams is done. Repect the cycle of Day 1 parayanam for 68 days. | 68 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 68 |
02 | 32 Times | Repect the cycle of Day 1 and Day 2 for 64 days that comes to 32 times parayanam. | 64 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 32 |
Day 2 | Sargam 33 to Sargam 68 | ||||
03 | 24 Times | Repect the cycle of Day 1 and Day 3 for 72 days that comes to 24 times parayanam. | 72 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 15 |
Day 2 | Sargam 16 to Sargam 41 | ||||
Day 3 | Sargam 42 to Sargam 68 | ||||
04 | 12 Times | Repect the cycle of Day 1 and Day 4 for 48 days that comes to 12 times parayanam. | 48 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 15 |
Day 2 | Sargam 16 to Sargam 32 | ||||
Day 3 | Sargam 33 to Sargam 51 | ||||
Day 4 | Sargam 52 to Sargam 66 | ||||
05 | 7 Times | Repect the cycle of Day 1 and Day 10 for 70 days that comes to 7 times parayanam. Parayanam of 7 sargams a day for 7 times is called Saptarkka Parayanam. | 70 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 7 |
Day 2 | Sargam 8 to Sargam 14 | ||||
Day 3 | Sargam 15 to Sargam 21 | ||||
Day 4 | Sargam 22 to Sargam 28.-Since this day ends with Sargam 28 in Sundara Kandam, please chant first 2 slokas of Sargam 29 as it is auspicious to chant the first two slokas as part of the chanting procedure to do the parayanam this way. | ||||
Day 5 | Sargam 29 to Sargam 35 | ||||
Day 6 | Sargam 36 to Sargam 42 | ||||
Day 7 | Sargam 43 to Sargam 49 | ||||
Day 8 | Sargam 50 to Sargam 56 | ||||
Day 9 | Sargam 57 to Sargam 63 | ||||
Day 10 | Sargam 64 to Sargam 68 | ||||
06 | 4 Times | Recite 10 sargams from Day 1 to Day 6, On Day 7 recite 8 adyaayams. Complete this cycle for 4 times in total of 28 days. | 28 days | Day 1 | Sargam 1 to Sargam 10 |
Day 2 | Sargam 11 to Sargam 20 | ||||
Day 3 | Sargam 21 to Sargam 30 | ||||
Day 4 | Sargam 31 to Sargam 40 | ||||
Day 5 | Sargam 41 to Sargam 50 | ||||
Day 6 | Sargam 51 to Sargam 60 | ||||
Day 7 | Sargam 61 to Sargam 68 |
Benefits of chanting Sundara Kandam :
There are 68 Sargams (chapter) with 2880 slokas in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Sundara Kandam. It is a very auspicious Kandam in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam. There are many benefits to chanting Sundara Kandam.
Reciting various sargams of Sundara Kandam bestows upon the devotee following benefits.
There are 68 Sargams (chapter) with 2880 slokas in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Sundara Kandam. It is a very auspicious Kandam in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam. There are many benefits to chanting Sundara Kandam.
Reciting various sargams of Sundara Kandam bestows upon the devotee following benefits.
- For Salvation can be achieved by reading the first sargam daily for six months.
- To ward off the effect of attack of devils, ghosts, and spirits, read 3rd sargam.
- To get rid of dullness of brain, read 13th sargam.
- To get rid of the sin of having affair with someone else's wife, read sargams 7-11.
- To get permanent wealth and happiness read sargam 15.
- To get rid of bad dreams read sargam 27.
- To get good behavior read sargam 20-21.
- To rejoin with lost relatives read sargam 33-40.
- To get rid of impending danger read sargam 36.
- To get pardon from god for insult done to him, knowingly and unknowingly read sargam 38.
- To win over enemies, read sargam 42-47
- To become just and charitable read sargam 51
- For improvement of assets like house, land, etc. read sargam 54.
- To get peace and happiness read sargam 61
- To get perennial happiness and to attain God read sargam 67.
- To get what one wishes read sargam 41
- To realize God and to become one capable of sweet words read sargam 19.
Sampoorna Sundara Kandam Parayanam - Naivadhyam List :
Please find below special naivedhyam to be offered for the following sargams. Please offer after the respective sargam.
Please find below special naivedhyam to be offered for the following sargams. Please offer after the respective sargam.
01 | Parayanam beginning | -- | Very Beginning as first step-before start of puja | Boiled Warm Milk mixed with Sugar. | Very First Step to do-before doing puja and dhyana sloka parayanam - To offer Boiled Warm Milk mixed with Sugar. A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture) |
02 | Bala Kandam (Kandam 1) |
Sargam 18 | Sri Rama Jananam | Boiled warm milk mixed with Kalkanndu, sarkarai (sugar), sukku podi (Dry ginger powder) | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture) |
03 | Bala Kandam (Kandam 1) |
Sargam 73 | Sita vivaaham | Varieties of Sweets, Savories, (Murukku, laddu, .. seer varisai), Full meals. | Offer full meals to devotees. A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture) |
04 | Sundara Kandam (Kandam 5) |
Sargam 1 | Hanuman Crossing the Ocean. | Yogurt rice (dadhi annam - bagalabath - Thaiyir Sadham)with pickle and Butter | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture) |
05 | Sundara Kandam (Kandam 5) |
Sargam 15 | Hanuman having darshan of Mother Sita. | Tamarind Rice (Puliyodharai) with pickle and Thamboolam (Paan leaves with betal nuts, spices. | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture). |
06 | Sundara Kandam (Kandam 5) |
Sargam 36 | Hanuman giving Lord Sri Rama's royal ring (Anguli) to Mother Sita - Anguli Pradhanam | Sarkarai pongal(Sugar pongal) , all kinds of fruits | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture). |
07 | Sundara Kandam (Kandam 5) |
Sargam 66 | Hanuman giving Mother Sita's hair jewel (Choodaamani) to Lord Sri Rama- Choodaamani Pradhanam | Boiled moong daal mixed with Boiled warm milk and jaggery or brown sugar(vellam) | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture). |
08 | Yuddha Kandam (Kandam 7) |
Sargam 131 | Sri Rama Pattabhishekam | Akkaravadisal (Sugar pongal - Sarkarai pongal), Mahanaivedhyam (Cooked white rice, with cooked toor daal and melted ghee poured on top of rice. | A flower to be offered to Lord Sri Rama, Sita (Pattabhishekam picture). |
Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Most Celebrated and very auspicious Sargams (Vishesha Gattamgal):
By Lord Sri Guruvayurappan anugraham, please note that the following Sargams in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam are the most celebrated and very auspicious sargams - 10 sargams and they mark the step of the way as lankmarks for and to unfold important events (romba visheshamana Gattam) in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam. This is as given by Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Mahatmym given in Skandha Puranam in Adyaayam 1 Slokas 50 to 52. Very auspicious to learn and chant. Please learn these sargams and chant to Lord Sri Rama and Mother Sita. Please chant them every day as it has all the important events of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana and many benefits will be bestowed upon the devotee chanting them.
1. Sri Rama Avatharam (The birth or descendance of Lord Sri Rama)- Bala Kandam (Canto 1) Sargam 18
2. Sri Sita Vivaham (Wedding of Mother Sita with Lord Sri Rama)- Bala Kandam (Canto 1) Sargam 73
3. Paduka Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Sri Rama's holy Sandals)- Ayoddhya Kandam (Canto 2) Sargam 115
4. Jatayu Moksham (Jatayu attaining liberation)- Aaranya Kandam (Canto 3) Sargam 68
5. Sugriva Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Sugriva)- Kishkindha Kandam (Canto 4) Sargam 26
6. Hanuman Crossing the Ocean (Sagara Langanam) - Sundara Kandam (Canto 5) Sargam 1
7. Anguliya Pradhanam (Hanuman giving Lord Sri Rama's Royal Ring to Sita) - Sundara Kandam (Canto 5) Sargam 65
8. Vibhishana Sharanaagathi (Vibhishana surrendering to Lord Sri Rama and taking refuge) - Yuddha Kandam (Canto 6) Sargam 19
9. Vibhishana Pattabhishekam in Sri Lanka (Coronation of Vibhishana in Sri Lanka) - Yuddha Kandam (Canto 6) Sargam 115
10. Sri Rama Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Lord Sri Rama) - Yuddha Kandam(Canto 6) Sargam 131.
By Lord Sri Guruvayurappan anugraham, please note that the following Sargams in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam are the most celebrated and very auspicious sargams - 10 sargams and they mark the step of the way as lankmarks for and to unfold important events (romba visheshamana Gattam) in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam. This is as given by Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Mahatmym given in Skandha Puranam in Adyaayam 1 Slokas 50 to 52. Very auspicious to learn and chant. Please learn these sargams and chant to Lord Sri Rama and Mother Sita. Please chant them every day as it has all the important events of Srimad Valmiki Ramayana and many benefits will be bestowed upon the devotee chanting them.
1. Sri Rama Avatharam (The birth or descendance of Lord Sri Rama)- Bala Kandam (Canto 1) Sargam 18
2. Sri Sita Vivaham (Wedding of Mother Sita with Lord Sri Rama)- Bala Kandam (Canto 1) Sargam 73
3. Paduka Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Sri Rama's holy Sandals)- Ayoddhya Kandam (Canto 2) Sargam 115
4. Jatayu Moksham (Jatayu attaining liberation)- Aaranya Kandam (Canto 3) Sargam 68
5. Sugriva Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Sugriva)- Kishkindha Kandam (Canto 4) Sargam 26
6. Hanuman Crossing the Ocean (Sagara Langanam) - Sundara Kandam (Canto 5) Sargam 1
7. Anguliya Pradhanam (Hanuman giving Lord Sri Rama's Royal Ring to Sita) - Sundara Kandam (Canto 5) Sargam 65
8. Vibhishana Sharanaagathi (Vibhishana surrendering to Lord Sri Rama and taking refuge) - Yuddha Kandam (Canto 6) Sargam 19
9. Vibhishana Pattabhishekam in Sri Lanka (Coronation of Vibhishana in Sri Lanka) - Yuddha Kandam (Canto 6) Sargam 115
10. Sri Rama Pattabhishekam (Coronation of Lord Sri Rama) - Yuddha Kandam(Canto 6) Sargam 131.