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SRIMAD BHAGAVATHAM - is verily Sri Krishna HIMSELF. It the is crown jewel of veda,vedanta, 18 puranas and ithihasas. It consists of 18000 verses, 12 cantos and 335 chapters. This is considered as the ultimate moksha sastra blessed to living beings in this and other worlds.
Srimad Bhgavatam Sthuthis are great gems are composed by great devotees such as Prahladh Maharaj, Druva Maharaj, and great devotees, great rishis such as Sri Narada and others, Devathas such Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and others, great brahma jyanis such Suka brahmam and others, devata mathas(mothers) such as devaki, dehuti and others, great kings such Sri Vasudeva and others to glorify Bhagavan. These sthuthis were sung towards Lord MahaVishnu and to HIM directly in HIS various avatars. There are about 120 sthuthis in Srimad Bhagavatam which are great yajnam by themselves which are far more superior than performing ashwamedha, vajapeya and other yagnams. These sthuthis are hard to find in kaliyuga due to yuga dharma. By Guru krupa and by Bhagavan's grace, our desire is to post audio files and lyrics of these great mula sthuthis and meanng deeply and thoroughly for learning and thus do kainkaryam to Bhagavan. Simply listening to or reciting these sthuthis will bestow upon us deep devotion towards Bhagavan and mukthi without a doubt. Please come and join us to study with us. Our kind request is whoever studying these stuthis, please kindly
teach your childen, family members, fellow satsangees and balvihar students and thus enliven the glory of Bhagavan.
Srimad Bhgavatam Sthuthis are great gems are composed by great devotees such as Prahladh Maharaj, Druva Maharaj, and great devotees, great rishis such as Sri Narada and others, Devathas such Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and others, great brahma jyanis such Suka brahmam and others, devata mathas(mothers) such as devaki, dehuti and others, great kings such Sri Vasudeva and others to glorify Bhagavan. These sthuthis were sung towards Lord MahaVishnu and to HIM directly in HIS various avatars. There are about 120 sthuthis in Srimad Bhagavatam which are great yajnam by themselves which are far more superior than performing ashwamedha, vajapeya and other yagnams. These sthuthis are hard to find in kaliyuga due to yuga dharma. By Guru krupa and by Bhagavan's grace, our desire is to post audio files and lyrics of these great mula sthuthis and meanng deeply and thoroughly for learning and thus do kainkaryam to Bhagavan. Simply listening to or reciting these sthuthis will bestow upon us deep devotion towards Bhagavan and mukthi without a doubt. Please come and join us to study with us. Our kind request is whoever studying these stuthis, please kindly
teach your childen, family members, fellow satsangees and balvihar students and thus enliven the glory of Bhagavan.
Title : Srimad Bhagavatham Sthuthis - Skandam 4
Please click on the Sloka No for downloading or listen to audio files for each sloka.
Please click on the Sloka No for downloading or listen to audio files for each sloka.
Srimad Bhagavatham Lyrics for Skandam 4 :
Sthuthi : Druva Sthuthi
Skandam 4 Adyaayam 9 and Slokas 6 to 17 | Druva Sthuthi to Lord Sri Hari | Druva Praying Lord Sri Hari when Lord Sri Hari gave darshan to Druva. When Lord Sri Hari touched Druva's forehead with cone shell, Druva started to sing prayers to Lord Hari with outpouring love and affection to Lord Sri Hari. | Tamil | English |
Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Gujarathi | Bengali | Oriya |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | Sloka 6-9 | Sloka 10-13 | Sloka 14-17 | |||||
Multiple Carna |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | ||||||||
Multiple Carnatic Ragams |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | ||||||||
Multiple Carnatic Ragams |
Sthuthi : Sri Rudra Geetham
Skandam 4 Adyaayam 24 and Slokas 33 to 79 | Sri Rudra Geetham | Sri Rudra Geetham is sthuthi by Lord Shiva to Lord MahaVishnu- Srimad Bhagavatham Skandam 4 Adyaayam 24r Slokas 33 to 79. HE blessed Sri Rudra Geetham to Prachetas kumaras to meditate upon Lord Sri MahaVishnu. ord Sri Shiva described the beautiful form and auspicious qualities and glories of Bhagavan Lord Sri MahaVishnu most beautifully in this sthuthis. He taught this sthuthi to Prachethas kumars - 10 brothers who wanted to meditate on Lord Sri MahaVishnu with great love and respect. Lord Sri Shiva taught this sthuthis to them. Prachethas kumaras, after meditating on Lord Sri MahaVishnu by chanting this sthuthi innumerable times for 10000 years, they had the darshan of Lord Sri MahaVishnu and had HIS blessings. This long penance is due to the fact that they wanted to chant the sthuthi very many times and be in great bliss mediating upon HIM for a long time. This sthuthi is very very powerful and very beautiful and pleasing to hear. If a devotee, chants this sthuthi early in the morning every day with folded hands (Kai koopi), he will be blessed with Moksha (liberation) and attain parama padam - Sri Vaikuntam. | Tamil | English |
Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Bengali |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | Sloka 33-34 | Sloka 35-36 | Sloka 37-38 | Sloka 39-40 | Sloka 41-42 | Sloka 43-44 | Sloka 45-46 | Sloka 47-48 |
Sloka 49-50 | Sloka 51-52 | Sloka 53-54 | Sloka 55-56 | Sloka 57-58 | Sloka 59-60 | Sloka 61-62 | Sloka 63-64 | |
Sloka 65-66 | Sloka 67-68 | Sloka 69-70 | Sloka 71-72 | Sloka 73-74 | Sloka 75-76 | Sloka 77-78 | Sloka 79 | |
Multiple Carnatic Ragams |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | ||||||||
Multiple Carnatic Ragams |
Ragam Type | ||||||||
Single Carnatic Ragam | ||||||||
Multiple Carnatic Ragams |
More Sthuthis coming soon.
Please click on the Skandam name (link) to get to the Sthuthis page :
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-> Skandam 2
-> Skandam 3
-> Skandam 4
-> Skandam 6
-> Skandam 7
-> Skandam 8
-> Skandam 9
->Skandam 10-Page 1
-> Skandam 12
Please click on the Skandam name (link) to get to the Sthuthis page :
-> Skandam 1
-> Skandam 2
-> Skandam 3
-> Skandam 4
-> Skandam 6
-> Skandam 7
-> Skandam 8
-> Skandam 9
->Skandam 10-Page 1
-> Skandam 12