SRIMAD BHAGAVATHAM - is verily Sri Krishna HIMSELF. It the is crown jewel of veda,vedanta, 18 puranas and ithihasas. It consists of 18000 verses, 12 cantos and 335 chapters. This is considered as the ultimate moksha sastra blessed to living beings in this and other worlds.
Srimad Bhagavatham Mula slokas are Bhagavan's gift to us to really enjoy the true nectar of Bhagavatha katha amrutha. By listening to them one can develop deep bakthi towards HIM and high taste as this is where paramahamsas keep their heart in. Listening to these slokas called sravanam is so pure, that it will gradually cleanse one's mind and all the dirt around the hrudhayam (heart) and will elevate one to the highest state of paramahamsa's sthithi. Listening to the moola parayanam which is given in sloka recital audio will remove all the sins accumulated in several janmas or lifes and also will give immense punyam or spiritual merit thus we will get mukthi in this janma itself. Listening is considered as direct seva to Bhagavan. In kaliyaga, hearing is the purest sense to receive spiritual knowledge and benefits. Please join us in learning the Srimad Bhagavatha Katha amrutha.
This page access to audio files of slokas and meaning of Srimad Bhagavatam by skandam in Single and Multiple Carnatic Ragams with meaning and slokas alone. The sloka recital link has Srimad Bhagavatham moola parayanam slokas as multiple slokas recited and are found in multiple small files for listening and to chant along with the recording. It is a divine and beautiful experience when we study the sloka with the meaning and chanting the slokas as it is gradually transforms the devotee to be more devoted to HIM. The class sessions are rare opportunity to listen and learn as the slokas are hard to pronounce and understand and get the divine experience. The slokas audio files will be added to the repository periodically as guided by the link given below. Please download, listen, study, practice and chant the slokas regularly.
Srimad Bhagavatham Mula slokas are Bhagavan's gift to us to really enjoy the true nectar of Bhagavatha katha amrutha. By listening to them one can develop deep bakthi towards HIM and high taste as this is where paramahamsas keep their heart in. Listening to these slokas called sravanam is so pure, that it will gradually cleanse one's mind and all the dirt around the hrudhayam (heart) and will elevate one to the highest state of paramahamsa's sthithi. Listening to the moola parayanam which is given in sloka recital audio will remove all the sins accumulated in several janmas or lifes and also will give immense punyam or spiritual merit thus we will get mukthi in this janma itself. Listening is considered as direct seva to Bhagavan. In kaliyaga, hearing is the purest sense to receive spiritual knowledge and benefits. Please join us in learning the Srimad Bhagavatha Katha amrutha.
This page access to audio files of slokas and meaning of Srimad Bhagavatam by skandam in Single and Multiple Carnatic Ragams with meaning and slokas alone. The sloka recital link has Srimad Bhagavatham moola parayanam slokas as multiple slokas recited and are found in multiple small files for listening and to chant along with the recording. It is a divine and beautiful experience when we study the sloka with the meaning and chanting the slokas as it is gradually transforms the devotee to be more devoted to HIM. The class sessions are rare opportunity to listen and learn as the slokas are hard to pronounce and understand and get the divine experience. The slokas audio files will be added to the repository periodically as guided by the link given below. Please download, listen, study, practice and chant the slokas regularly.
Title : Srimad Bhagavatham - Slokas and meanings
Please click on the link to go to Skandam page :
Skandam 1 | Adyaayam 1-15 | |||||||||
Skandam 2 | ||||||||||
Skandam 3 | ||||||||||
Skandam 4 | ||||||||||
Skandam 5 | ||||||||||
Skandam 6 | Adyaayam 1-15 | |||||||||
Skandam 7 | ||||||||||
Skandam 8 | ||||||||||
Skandam 9 | ||||||||||
Skandam 10 | Adyaayam 1-15 | |||||||||
Skandam 11 | ||||||||||
Skandam 12 | ||||||||||
Skandam 13 |
Link to Srimad Bhagavatham Sloka Lyrics page : Click here
Link to Srimad Bhagavatham Sthuthis/Stutis page : Click here