Sri MahaVaikuntanatha Sachidhanandhamurthy Guruvayurappan Seva Samithi
By Lord Sri Guruvayurappan grace and blessings, we have started this samithi to spread the bakthi towards Lord Hari and all the devatas. We will be celebrating various vratas, auspecious jayanthi and important days of Lord Sri MahaVishnu and various devatas. All the satsang events are published here so that devotees worldwide can follow the event details and conduct satsangs at their homes. Devotees can individually chant the slokas at their home and participate in this world wide maha satsang. All adequate and clear information on how to do the satsang at your home will be provided to devotees thru this website. Please invite your friends and families to your home when you do parayanam or singing to glorify Lord Sri MahaVishnu and all the devatas.
Please find below details of each satsang events. This page will be updated periodically every month to include new events occurring in that month.
Samithi Events for December, 2022 :
Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Parayanam : December 4th, 2022 (Sunday) to January 4th, 2023 (Wednesday)
Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Parayanam | December 4th, 2022 (Sunday) to January 7th, 2023 (Wednesday) | Srimad Valkimi Ramayanam is the adi kavyam and we will be reciting all 660 sargams in 32 days!! | Tamil | English |
Dear Devotees, ||Om Namo Narayanaya|| Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! Srimad Valkimi Ramayanam is adi kavyam and composed by Sage Valmiki !! We will be doing parayanam of all 660 Sargams of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam in 32 days as Lava and Kusha did parayanam in Lord Sri Rama's darbhar in Yagyashaala, from auspicious Dwadasi day -December 4th, 2022(Sunday) to January 7th, 2023(Saturday). If we do complete recitation or Sampoorna parayanam upto Uttara Kandam as given in the table below, then, the devotee will be blessed with all four purusharthas- dharma, artha, kama and moksha. There are so many befenits of chanting Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Sargams. That is the devotee reciting the complete parayanam will be blessed with living prospeous long healthy life , enjoying all the worldly pleasures and be blessed with the fourth final and ultimate purushartha- Moksha or mukthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam. Please follow the schedule as give below : Please find the Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Parayanam worship and Procedure given in Sampoorna Navaham Website Page: https://saranaagathi-margam.org/sampoorna-navaaham-paarayanam-and-sundara-kandam-parayanamdetails.html More Details to follow. Please note that, for devotees learning Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam, please chant all the sargams that you have learned so far as per schedule given below. Devotees, who know Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam please do Sampoorna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam parayanam as per the schedule given below!! On each day, Please chant Dhyana Slokam before chanting Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam and Please chant Samapana Slokam after completing each day parayanam. Please chant each adyaayam from beginning to end without break. If there is a break during chanting a sargam, please start the sargam from the beginning. Please chant Sri Rama nama "RAMA RAMA RAMA RAMA" for 5 minutes after completing each day paryanam. Hari narayana!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Day 0 | December 3rd, 2022 - Saturday | Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Mahatmym from Skanda Puranam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 5 |
Day 1 | December 4th, 2022, Sunday | Bala Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 21 |
Day 2 | December 5th, 2022, Monday | Bala Kandam | From : Sargam 22 | To : Sargam 44 |
Day 3 | December 6th, 2022 - Tuesday | Bala Kandam | From : Sargam 45 | To : Sargam 65 |
Day 4 | December 7th, 2022 - Wednesday | Bala Kandam | From : Sargam 66 | To : Sargam 77 |
Day 4 | December 8th, 2022 - Thursday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 9 |
Day 5 | December 9th, 2022 - Friday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 10 | To : Sargam 30 |
Day 6 | December 10th, 2022 - Saturday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 31 | To : Sargam 51 |
Day 7 | December 11th, 2022 - Sunday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 52 | To : Sargam 71 |
Day 8 | December 12th, 2022 - Monday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 72 | To : Sargam 97 |
Day 9 | December 13th, 2022 - Tuesday | Ayodhya Kandam | From : Sargam 98 | To : Sargam 119 |
Day 10 | December 14th, 2022 - Wednesday | Aaranya Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 21 |
Day 11 | December 15th, 2021 - Thursday | Aaranya Kandam | From : Sargam 22 | To : Sargam 42 |
Day 12 | December 16th, 2022 - Friday | Aaranya Kandam | From : Sargam 43 | To : Sargam 63 |
Day 13 | December 17th, 2022 - Saturday | Aaranya Kandam | From : Sargam 64 | To : Sargam 75 |
Day 13 | December 18th, 2022 - Sunday | Kishkindha Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 8 |
Day 14 | December 19th, 2022 - Monday | Kishkindha Kandam | From : Sargam 9 | To : Sargam 29 |
Day 15 | December 20th, 2022 - Tuesday | Kishkindha Kandam | From : Sargam 30 | To : Sargam 50 |
Day 16 | December 21st, 2022 - Wednesday | Kishkindha Kandam | From : Sargam 51 | To : Sargam 67 |
Day 16 | December 22nd, 2022 - Thursday | Sundara Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 3 |
Day 17 | December 23rd, 2022 - Friday | Sundara Kandam | From : Sargam 4 | To : Sargam 23 |
Day 18 | December 24th, 2022 - Saturday | Sundara Kandam | From : Sargam 24 | To : Sargam 47 |
Day 19 | December 25th, 2022 - Sunday | Sundara Kandam | From : Sargam 48 | To : Sargam 68 |
Day 20 | December 26th, 2022 - Monday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 24 |
Day 21 | December 27th, 2022 - Tuesday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 25 | To : Sargam 50 |
Day 22 | December 28th, 2022 - Wednesday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 51 | To : Sargam 70 |
Day 23 | December 29th, 2022 - Thursday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 71 | To : Sargam 90 |
Day 24 | December 30th, 2022 - Friday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 91 | To : Sargam 111 |
Day 25 | December 31st, 2022 - Saturday | Yuddha Kandam | From : Sargam 112 | To : Sargam 131 |
Day 26 | January 1st, 2023 - Sunday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 1 | To : Sargam 20 |
Day 27 | January 2nd, 2023 - Monday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 21 | To : Sargam 40 |
Day 28 | January 3rd, 2023 - Tuesday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 41 | To : Sargam 60 |
Day 29 | January 4th, 2023 - Wednesday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 61 | To : Sargam 80 |
Day 30 | January 5th, 2023 - Thursday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 81 | To : Sargam 98 |
Day 31 | January 6th, 2023 - Friday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 99 | To : Sargam 105 |
Day 32 | January 7th, 2023 - Saturday | Uttara Kandam | From : Sargam 106 | To : Sargam 111 |
Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam - Parayana Vidhana(Chanting steps) | Sampoorna Procedure->Click Here |
Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam | Adyaayam 1 and 9 | Remining adyaayams will be posted soon |
Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi - December 3rd, 2022 (Saturday)
Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi | December 3rd, 2022 (Saturday) | The most auspicious Glorious Ekadasi dedicated to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan in Guruvayur, Kerala, India | Tamil | English |
Today - December 3rd,2022 (Saturday) is celebrated as Guruvayur Ekadasi!! Happy Guruvayur Ekadasi!! The most auspicious Glorious Ekadasi dedicated to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan in Guruvayur, Kerala, India!! Dear Devotees, ||Om Namo Narayanaya|| Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! Today, the entire Guruvayur Temple will be lit up with lamps. Puja was Lord Sri Guruvayurappan will be done from 3am to tomorrow for 24 hours. The garba graham or sanctum Santorum will be open for 24 hours. To celebrate this auspicious day: SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA: ------------------------------- -->Please chant -Srimad Bhagavad Gita Dhyana sloka -Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Adyaayam 7, 8 and 9 -Srimad Bhagavad Gita Samapana Sloka SRIMAD BHAGAVATHAM: ------------------------------ -->Please chant -Srimad Bhagavatham Dhyana sloka -Srimad Bhagavatham - Skandam 1 Adyaayam 2 (Bhakthi Mahathvam) and 3 (description of all avatharams) -Srimad Bhagavatham Sthuthi - Gajendra Moksham Sthuthi - Skandam 8 and Adyaayam 3 -Srimad Bhagavatham Samapana Sloka SRIMAD VALMIKI RAMAYANAM: --------------------------------------- -->Please chant -Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Dhyana Sloka -Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam - BalaKandam (Canto 1) Sargam 1(Samkshepa Ramayanam), and Yuddha Kandam - Sargam 131 (Sri Rama Pattabhishekam) -Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Samapana Sloka SRIMAD NARAYANEEYAM: -------------------------------- -->Please chant -Sriman Narayaneeyam Dhyana Sloka -Sriman Narayaneeyam - Dashakam 1 to 5. -Sriman Narayaneeyam Samapana Sloka -Sriman Narayaneeyam Arathi Song SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM: ------------------------------------ -->Please chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam. Since, we have various groups for various granthams, please chant the granthams that you know and are learning. If you want to chant, some of the adyaayams give above or all adyaayams in each of the granthams mentioned above, as much as you possible, please chant to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan- Sri MahaVishnu- Sri Krishna on Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi!! Please note that since Today is Ekadasi, please observe auspicious Ekadasi Vratam or fasting today. Please take milk and fruits as in take for the whole day. Tomorrow morning you can break the fast by taking a sip of water . Please check your local calendar or http://www.drikpanchang.com for time to break the fast or parana time. Hari Narayana!! |
Sri Guruvayur Ekadasi- Parayana Vidhana(Chanting steps) | Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Bengali | Gujarathi | Oriya |
Srimad Bhagavatham | Adyaayam 3 | |||
Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Adyaayam 1 and 2 | |||
Sriman Narayaneeyam | Dashakam 1, 2 and 3 |
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi - December 3rd, 2022 (Saturday)
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi | December 3rd, 2022 (Saturday) | The divine knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad Gita was spoken and revealed by Lord Sri Krishna to Sri Arjuna in Kurukshethra!! | Tamil | English |
Dear Devotees, ||Om Namo Narayanaya|| Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! December 3rd, 2022 (Saturday) is Mokshada Ekadasi and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi is celebrated on this most auspicious day!! Happy Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi!! On this day, the divine knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Lord Sri Krishna to Sri Arjuna in kurukshethra on the Kurukshethra war ground, just before commencing the Mahabharatha Yuddham (the great war between Pandavas and Kauravas). Srimad Bhagavad Gita was composed by Sri Veda Vyasa narrating the conversation between Dhrudhrurashtra and Sanjaya (his charioteer). Sanjaya was able to see with his divine vision what was happening in the war ground in kurukshetra and he was narrating to Dhrudhrurashtra the entire conversation between Lord Sri Krishna and Arjuna about of pure divine knowledge about self, various yogam and prakruthi and more, which has been composed by Sri Veda Vyasa as Srimad Bhagavad Gita!! Reciting the entire Srimad Bhagavad Gita every day will bless the devotee liberation or moksha or parama padam to go to Sri Vaikuntam. On this auspecious day, Sri Gita Jayanthi is celebrated by reciting all the adyaayams or entire Srimad Bhagavad Gita togather. Chanting the entire Srimad Bhagavad Gita is called Sampoorna (complete) Srimad Bhagavad Gita paraynam(recital). The time taken to do Sampoorna Srimad Bhagavad Gita Parayanam as given below will be 4 hours ( Srimad Bhagavad Gita parayanam 3 hours and Dhyana Sloka and Mahatmym and worship will take 1 hour). We will be celebrating Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi as given below: -->Please clean the house especially puja room the day before or on the day of Gita jayanthi. -->Please keep Lord Sri Guruvayurappan picture or Lord Sri Krishna or Lord Sri MahaVishnu picture or statue to worship. --> Please apply sandalwood paste and kumkum as tilak on the forehead, hands and feet of Lord Sri Guruvayuappan or Lord Sri Krishna or Lord Sri MahaVishnu. --> Please offer flower garland or mala of any variety. Please offer tulasi mala if available or offer tulasi leaves. -->Please keep two south indian bronze lamps or diyas on both sides of Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna picture. With oil and wick added in the lamp, light up the lamp. Sampoorna Srimad Bhagavad Gita parayanam : Please chant --> Plant chant the mula mantra on Lord Sri Narayana - 16 times. "Om Namo Nārāyaṇa" "ॐ नमो नारायणाय" --> Plant chant the mantra on Lord Sri Krishna - 16 times. "Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya" ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय -->Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Dhyana slokas. -->Sampoorna Srimad Bhagavad Gita parayanam - Adyaayam 1 to 18 -->Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Mahatmym. -->Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam -->Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Arati Song. -->Please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the following steps. --> Offer Doopam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna --> Offer Deepam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna --> Offer Naivedhyam -fruits and milk (as Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi falls on Vaikunta Ekadasi) to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna -->Please offer Karpoora(Champor) Arathi. --> Please do complete namaskaram or obeisance or prostrations to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna. Note: Through out the worship given above in all the steps, please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the worship. Please note that if you can chant only few of the adyaayams or all - please kindly chant as many adyaayams as you can chant on this auspicious Gita Jayanthi day!! Please note that Srimad Bhagavad Gita jayanthi falls Ekadasi day, please observe auspicious Ekadasi Vratam or fasting today. Please take milk and fruits as in take for the whole day. Next day morning you can break the fast by taking a sip of water. Please check your local calendar or http://www.drikpanchang.com for time to break the fast or parana time. Please forward this samithi event message to your friends and families!! Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! Hari narayana!! |
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi- Parayana Vidhana(Chanting steps) | Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Bengali | Gujarathi | Oriya |
Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Adyaayam 1 and 9 | Remining adyaayams will be posted soon |
Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi - December 7th, 2022 (Wednesday)
Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi | December 7th, 2022 (Wednesday) | Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi is birth or descent of Lord Sri Dattatreya who is divine incarnation of Lord Sri MahaVishnu, Lord Sri Shiva and Lord Sri Brahma combined. | Tamil | English |
Dear Devotees, ||Om Namo Narayanaya|| Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! December 7th, 2022 (Wednesday)is Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi!! Happy Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi!! Lord Sri Dattatreya is combined form of Lord Sri Vishnu, Lord Sri Shiva and Lord Sri Brahma. HE is Guru avatharam or incarnation of Guru form to impart and reveal pure knowledge about self or atma and bhakthi (pure service to almighty), vairagyam (dispassion towards worldly things). The four divine dogs with HIM represent four vedas and the divine cow represents mother earth. Today marks the birth or descent of HIS very pure divine form on earth. On this auspecious day, Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi is celebrated by reciting or doing parayanam of -->Please clean the house especially puja room the day before or on the day of Sri Dattatreya jayanthi. -->Please keep Lord Sri Guruvayurappan picture and Lord Sri Dattatreya picture or statue to worship. --> Please apply sandalwood paste and kumkum as tilak on the forehead, hands and feet of Lord Sri Guruvayuappan and Lord Sri Dattatreya. --> Please offer flower garland or mala of any variety. Please offer tulasi mala if available or offer tulasi leaves. -->Please keep two south indian bronze lamps or diyas on both sides of Lord Sri Guruvayurappan and Lord Sri Dattatreya picture. With oil and wick added in the lamp, light up the lamp. -->Please chant --> Plant chant the mula mantra on Lord Sri Narayana - 16 times. "Om Namo Nārāyaṇa" "ॐ नमो नारायणाय" --> Plant chant the mantra on Lord Sri Krishna - 16 times. "Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya" ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय --> Plant chant the mantra on Lord Sri Dattatreya - 16 times. Devotees, if you want to chant more, please chant 4 rounds with one round of 108 times of chanting this mantra. "SriPada Rajam Sharanam Prapadhye" --> chant Sri Dattatreya AshthothraSataNamavali -->Srimad Bhagavatham - Dhyana slokas. -->Srimad Bhagavatham : --Skandam 1 Adyaayam 3, (Describing all avathars of Lord Sri MahaVishnu and Sri Dattatreya avathar is described in this adyaayam) --Skandam 2 Adyaayam 7 (Describing all avathars of Lord Sri MahaVishnu and Sri Dattatreya avathar is described in this adyaayam) --Skandam 11 Adyaayams 7, 8 and 9 (Adyaayam 7 Sloka 25 to Adyaayam 9 sloka 33 is called Avadhuta Gita. This is Sri Dattatreya Swamy imparting spiritual knowledge describing 24 gurus and tattvam they revealed by HIM, to King Sri Yadhu. It is very pure knowledge and very beautiful and cherishable and enjoyable to study) ) --Srimad Bhagavatham Samapana Slokas -—> Sri Dattatreya Lahari sthothram composed by Rishi Sri Dhalaadhana. -->Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam -->Please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the following steps. --> Offer Doopam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan and Sri Dattatreya --> Offer Deepam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan and Sri Dattatreya --> Offer Naivedhyam - Paruppu Payasam, vadai, appalam, MahaNaivedhyam(Cooked rice with one scoop of cooked toor daal and one spoon of ghee poured on it), Sambhar, Rasam, Yogurt, cucumber or carrot thayir (yogurt) pachadi, pickle -->Please offer Karpoora(Champor) Arathi. --> Please do complete namaskaram or obeisance or prostrations to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan and Lord Sri Dattatreya. Note: Through out the worship given above in all the steps, please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the worship. Hari Narayana!! |
Sri Dattatreya Jayanthi- Parayana Vidhana(Chanting steps) | Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Bengali | Gujarathi | Oriya |
Srimad Bhagavatham | Skandam 1 Adyaayam 3 | Remining adyaayams will be posted soon | ||
Sri Dattatreya Lahari | Slokas | Remining Slokas will be posted soon |
Narayaneeyam Day - December 14th,2022 - Sriman Narayaneeyam Parayanam
Narayaneeyam Day!! | December 14th, 2022- Wednesday | On this auspecious day, Sri Narayana Battatri from Melapattur, Kerala, India, completed the divine spritual holy scripture Sriman Narayaneeyam and submitted to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan, Guruvayur , Kerala, India!! | Tamil | English |
Dear Devotees, ||Om Namo Narayanaya|| Sri Guruvayurappa Sharanam!! December 14th, 2022 -Wednesday is Narayaneeyam Day!! Happy Narayaneeyam Day!! On this auspecious day, as early as 27th November 1586 AD, Sri Narayana Battatri completed Sriman Narayaneeyam after composing one dashakam (poem with 10 slokas or verses) a day that is total of 1036 slokas in 100 days and completed it on this auspecious day and surrendered it to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan in holy shrine, Guruvayur Temple, Kerala, India - and he was cured of vaata rogam or rheumatism. He composed one dashakam per day for 100 days and completed on Narayaneeyam Day. It is celebrated very grandly in Sri Guruvayurappan Temple, Guruvayur. Please find detailed information about how Sriman Narayaneeyam was compiled in : https://saranaagathi-margam.org/about-sriman-narayaneeyam.html On this auspecious day, we will be celebrating very beautiful and sacred Sriman Narayaneeyam by doing parayanam of dashakams describing all avatharams of Lord Sri MahaVishnu : -->Please clean the house especially puja room the day before or on the day of Narayaneeyam Day. -->Please keep Lord Sri Guruvayurappan picture or Lord Sri Krishna or Lord Sri MahaVishnu picture or statue to worship. --> Please apply sandalwood paste and kumkum as tilak on the forehead, hands and feet of Lord Sri Guruvayuappan or Lord Sri Krishna or Lord Sri MahaVishnu. --> Please offer flower garland or mala of any variety. Please offer tulasi mala if available or offer tulasi leaves. -->Please keep two south indian bronze lamps or diyas on both sides of Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna picture. With oil and wick added in the lamp, light up the lamp. --> Please chant Sriman Narayaneeyam Dashakams as given below : --> Please chant Narayana Kavacham --> Please chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam --> Please chant Sriman Narayaneeyam Dhyana Sloka —-Sriman Narayaneeyam : --> Dashakam 1 - Bhagavan Mahima --> Dashakam 2 - Bhagavat Rupam --> Dashakam 12 - Varaha Avatharam --> Dashakam 13 - Hiranyaksha vadham --> Dashakam 14 - Kapilavatharam --> Dashakam 16 - NaraNarayana Avatharam --> Dashakam 18 - Pruthu Charitham --> Dashakam 20 - Rishaba Avatharam --> Dashakam 24 - Prahladha Charitham --> Dashakam 25 - Nrusimha Avatharam --> Dashakam 26 - Gajendra Moksham -Hari Avatharam --> Dashakam 27 - Kurma avatharam --> Dashakam 29 - Mohini Avatharam --> Dashakam 30 - Vamana Avatharam --> Dashakam 32 - Matsya Avatharam --> Dashakam 34 - Sri Rama Avatharam -1 --> Dashakam 35 - Sri Rama Avatharam -2 --> Dashakam 36 - Parasurama Avatharam --> Dashakam 37 - Sri Krishnaavatha presthava : Sri Krishna avatharam arambham --> Dashakam 38 - Sri Krishna Avatharam --> Dashakam 100 - Kesadhi Padha Varnanam --> Please chant Sampana Sloka --> Please chant Sriman Narayaneeyam Arathi Song -->Please chant Sri Guruvathapureesa Pancharathram while performing Arathi. -->Please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the following steps. --> Offer Doopam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna --> Offer Deepam to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna --> Offer Naivedhyam -fruits and milk (as Srimad Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi falls on Vaikunta Ekadasi) to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna -->Please offer Karpoora(Champor) Arathi. --> Please do complete namaskaram or obeisance or prostrations to Lord Sri Guruvayurappan or Lord Sri Krishna. Note: Through out the worship given above in all the steps, please chant "NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA NARAYANA" and perform the worship. We will be reciting 21 dashakams. We have been blessed with Narayaneeyam by Sri Narayana Bhattatri Swamy’s grace and blessings on us. Our humble namaskarams to Him. Please chant Sriman Narayaneeyam, at least one dashakam on Narayaneeyam Day!! Hari Narayana!! |
Kuchelar Dinam or Kuchelar Day - December 21st, 2022 (Wednesday)
Kuchelar Day!! | December 21st, 2022 (Wednesday) | Kuclear Day is celebrated to honor the auspecious meeting of, with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna, Kuchela or Sudhama a childhood friend meeting Lord Sri Krishna in Dwaraka and had wonderful experience with Lord Sri Krishna after long time. This auspecious and beautiful day is celebrated as Kuchelar day!! | Tamil | English |
December 22nd, 2021 is Kuchelar Day or Kuchelar Dinam!! Kuchela Dinam, Kuchela day, is observed on the first Wednesday of Dhanu Masam (December – January) as per traditional Hindu calendar followed at Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple in Kerala. Kuchela Dinam 2021 date is December 22nd. The day commemorates (honorable mention of) the meeting of Kuchela, a friend and schoolmate, and Lord Sri Krishna in Dwaraka. Kuchela was a childhood friend and a poor brahmin living in borbandhar, Gurajat,India. He came to visit Lord Sri Krishna in Dwaraka after many years upon His wife's request as they were very poor family. There were many merchants or rich people waiting to see Lord Sri Krishna for many months in HIS palace. Lord Sri Krishna, with HIS blessings on Sudhama, went into HIS palace very quickly. He was given very high loving, honor and hospitality by Lord Sri Krishna, Mother Sri Rukmini and other queens with so much love and affection in the palace. Lord Sri Krishna and Mother Sri Rukmini did paada puja (washing the feet of Sudhama with holy water and flowers and so on). Lord Krishna was kindly, lovingly was asking Sudhama what have you brought for me knowing well what was in Sudhama's mind. Sudhama was very shy to show He has brought 4 handfull of beaten rice (aval) being very poor and nothing to offer to Lord Sri Krishna. Lord Sri Krishna with so much happiness, love and affection took one handfull of rice into HIS mouth and said "aahaa!! This is very delicious and this is my favorite food". HE took the second handfull of rice and was about to take into into HIS mouth, mother Sri Rukmini kindly touched HIS hand said you have given Him enough. This world will not able to take anymore if you take another handfull(pidi). Lord Sri Krishna smilingly did not take the second handfull of beaten rice (aval). Sudhama was so happy and did not ask Lord Sri Krishna anything. Lord Sri Krishna also sent Him back home smilingly. But, when Sudhama went back to HIS town and home, His entire home changed into huge luxurious, rich palace with many many servants dressing up in high quaility cloths and jewels serving Him and His family and palace was filled with full of gold as jewels, vessals and everything. The entire area became very very rich. Sudhama was crying and felt who can measure the love and affection of Lord Sri Krishna towards His devotees!! He lived through out His life, thinking about Lord Sri Krishna and and HIS leelas and singing HIS glories as a pure Bhagavatha!! To honor this day, every year, this day is celebrated as Kuchelar day!! We celebrate this auspecious day of Kuchelar Day by reciting or doing parayanam of Kuchela Charitham in Srimad Bhagavatham and Sriman Narayaneeyam. Please sing - Srimad Bhagavatham - Skandam 10 Adyaayam 80 and 81 (Kuchelar Charitham) - Sriman Narayaneeyam - Dashakam 87 (Kuchelar Chritham) - Please offer beaten rice (Aval) to Lord Sri Krishna as naivadyam or offering. Hari Narayana!! |
Kuchelar Day- Parayana Vidhana(Chanting steps) | Sanskrit | English | Tamil | Malayalam | Telugu | Kannada | Bengali | Gujarathi | Oriya |
Srimad Bhagavatham | Description | Skandam 10 Adyaayam 80 and 81-These adyaayams will be posted soon. | |||
Sriman Narayaneeyam | Description | Dashakam 87 - This dashakam will be posted soon. |