Srimad Bhagavatham we study is available in the stores given below. Please check with the stores over phone for the availability of the printed edition. If you can't get these grantam books from these stores, please send email to or contact thru the "contact us" form, we send to you a personal copy of the book to your home address. This is free of cost as we are doing it as service (seva) to Bhagavan.
"Srimad Bhagavatham Moolam Tamil Bold print" by Sri Bhagavan Nama publications (available in Giri Trading Agency).
"Srimad Bhagavatham" (Sanskrit) by Gita Press, Gorakpur
Jeyalakshmi Indological Book House,
Address: Shop No.6, Appar Swamy Koil Street,, Opp. Sanskrit College, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600004, India
Phone:+91 44 2499 0539
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