This page has audio files of sthothrams of Sri Devi Lalitha MahaTripura Sundari and HER incartions. We will be learning Sri Devi Mahatmym, Uma Sahasram, Devi Narayaneeyam, Sri Devi Bhagavatham and more scriptures on Devi and all the sthothrams. Slokas are recorded as a few slokas per file for easy learning. Each file has very detailed meaning of each sloka. It is a divine and beautiful experience when we study the sthothrams with the meaning as it is gradually transforms to be more devoted to Sri Devi Lalitha MahaTripura Sundari. Devi will be appeased by the devotees singing and chanting HER glories through these sthothrams. The audio files are rare opportunity to listen and learn as the slokas are hard to pronounce and understand and to get the divine experience. These sthothrams will remove our sins and finally take us the aboard of Devi. The slokas will be posted periodically. Please check the webpages periodically for new slokas posted. Please download, listen,practice and chant the slokas regularly. Please join our Telegram groups and Channels or WhatsApp groups in the links given below. Please click on the link to go to Telegram and WhatsApp groups or channels page to join the group : Click here
Sthothrams :
- Please click on the name of the sthothram to go to the page.
Sri Lalitha Saharanamam Sthothram
- Please click on the name of the sthothram to go to the page.
Sri Lalitha Saharanamam Sthothram