SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA -- is sabdha rupam of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. It is the most powerful, incomparable, pure, spiritual knowledge blessed to living beings by Bhagavan directly. It consists of 18 chapters and 700 verses.
This page has audio files of class session of Srimad Bhagavad Gita sloka with meaning. Each file has very detailed meaning of each sloka. It is a divine and beautiful experience when we study the sloka with the meaning as it is gradually transforms to be more devoted to Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The audio files are rare opportunity to listen and learn as the slokas are hard to pronounce and understand and to get the divine experience. Listening to the moola parayanam which is given in sloka recital audio will remove all the sins accumulated in several janmas or lifes and also will give immense punyam or spiritual merit thus we will get mukthi in this janma itself. Listening is considered as direct seva to Bhagavan. In kaliyaga, hearing is the purest sense to receive spiritual knowledge and benefits. The sloka recital audio is link to Srimad Bhagavad Gita moola parayanam which are audio files with only slokas rendered in them. The slokas will be posted periodically. Please check the webpages periodically for new slokas posted. Please download, listen,practice and chant the slokas regularly.
This page has audio files of class session of Srimad Bhagavad Gita sloka with meaning. Each file has very detailed meaning of each sloka. It is a divine and beautiful experience when we study the sloka with the meaning as it is gradually transforms to be more devoted to Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The audio files are rare opportunity to listen and learn as the slokas are hard to pronounce and understand and to get the divine experience. Listening to the moola parayanam which is given in sloka recital audio will remove all the sins accumulated in several janmas or lifes and also will give immense punyam or spiritual merit thus we will get mukthi in this janma itself. Listening is considered as direct seva to Bhagavan. In kaliyaga, hearing is the purest sense to receive spiritual knowledge and benefits. The sloka recital audio is link to Srimad Bhagavad Gita moola parayanam which are audio files with only slokas rendered in them. The slokas will be posted periodically. Please check the webpages periodically for new slokas posted. Please download, listen,practice and chant the slokas regularly.
Title : Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Sloka chanting- by Adhyaayam
Please click on the link : Adyaayam 1 to 5
Please click on the link : Adyaayam 1 to 5