SRIMAD BHAGAVATHAM - is verily Sri Krishna HIMSELF. It is the crown jewel of veda,vedanta, 18 puranas and ithihasas. It consists of 18000 verses, 12 cantos and 335 chapters. This is considered as the ultimate moksha sastra blessed to living beings in this and other worlds.
Srimad bhagavatham Pravachan - According to Srimad Bhagavatham mahatmym (glories of Srimad Bhagavatham) hearing Srimad Bhagavtham katha puries a person's senses , mind, memory and intelligence. Once a person desires to hear Srimad Bhagavatham and starts hearing attentively Bhagavan Lord Hari comes and resides in that person's heart purifying the person , bestowing grace to come back to HIM and eventually graces that person moksha (liberation from Birth and dealth life cycle). In kali yuga, hearing is the purest sense and hence hearing Srimad Bhagavatham katha is essential to elevate himself and herself to pure baktha, thus attain jyanam(spritual knowledge) and vairaghyam and attain moksha. Hearing the Srimad Bhagavatham pravachan will bestow upon the devotee parama padam which is muthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam.
Pravachan for each adyaayam in each skandam are posted periodically. Please find below list of skandam with pravachan. Please check the pages periodically for new recordings posted.
Srimad bhagavatham Pravachan - According to Srimad Bhagavatham mahatmym (glories of Srimad Bhagavatham) hearing Srimad Bhagavtham katha puries a person's senses , mind, memory and intelligence. Once a person desires to hear Srimad Bhagavatham and starts hearing attentively Bhagavan Lord Hari comes and resides in that person's heart purifying the person , bestowing grace to come back to HIM and eventually graces that person moksha (liberation from Birth and dealth life cycle). In kali yuga, hearing is the purest sense and hence hearing Srimad Bhagavatham katha is essential to elevate himself and herself to pure baktha, thus attain jyanam(spritual knowledge) and vairaghyam and attain moksha. Hearing the Srimad Bhagavatham pravachan will bestow upon the devotee parama padam which is muthi to go to Sri Vaikuntam.
Pravachan for each adyaayam in each skandam are posted periodically. Please find below list of skandam with pravachan. Please check the pages periodically for new recordings posted.
Srimad Bhagavatham Pravachanam : Skandam 7
Description : Prahladha Charitham and Varnashrama Dharma
Description : Prahladha Charitham and Varnashrama Dharma
Skandam 7 Adyaayam 5 Sloka 23-24 | Navavidha Bakthi Lakshana(Ninefold devotion) to Lord Vishnu as imparted by Bhakthi Prahladha Maharaj in Srimad Bhagavatham -Skandam 7 Adyaayam 5 Slokas 23 and 24 | Tamil | English |
Srimad Bhagavatham Pravachanam : Skandam 12
Description : Sri Sukha Brahmam revealing Brahma Jnana or Spiritual knowledge about Self to King Parikshith, King Parikshith getting mukthi, Description of age of Kali, Glories of Sri Bhagavatham.
Description : Sri Sukha Brahmam revealing Brahma Jnana or Spiritual knowledge about Self to King Parikshith, King Parikshith getting mukthi, Description of age of Kali, Glories of Sri Bhagavatham.
Skandam 12 Adyaayam 13 Sloka 18 | Glories of Srimad Bhagavatham | Tamil | English |